Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Aluminum and Copper II Sufate Redox Lab

Introduction: the purpose of this lab is to better understand the application of stoichiometry. we will be testing materials of known amounts to determine the limiting reactants of the stoichiometry problem we solved. We will then cross reference our results with our expected results from the equation to see the percent yield.

Materials: Apron, Goggles, Problem, Pencil, Lab Station, Burner, Asbestos Pad, Gas, Lighter, Brain!

1. We Obtained a medium sized (250 to 400 ml) beaker
2. Added 80 to 100 ml of water to beaker; set up apparatus to heat your mixture over a bunsen burner and began heating
3. We measured out about 9g of copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO4 x 5 H2O) and recorded the mass in our data table. Then slowly added the crystals to heating water.
4. With a glass stirring-rod, we stirred the solution until the copper II sulfate pentahydrate is dissolved.
5. While the copper sulfate crystals are dissolving crawford went and got the alumminum. he carefully weighed out the aluminum to be 8.5 grams. We recorded the mass in our data table
6. We carefully poured the aluminum into the solution of water and copper. Continuously stirring
7. we slowly watched the aluminum dissapear we then removed all heat from the solution
8. We wrote our names around the outsides of the filter paper weigh and record the mass in the data table
9. We then filtered the matterial out of the mixture by using the filter paper
10. We then rinsed out the beaker
11. we removed the filter paper from the funnel and spread it out on a paper towel to dry overnight
12. Upon returning the next day. Weigh the filter paper and dry residue and recorded that mass in the data data. We then threw it away.
13. we constructed a Data Table with the following parts: mass for Copper II sulfate pentahydrate, Mass of Aluminum Foil, mass of coffee filter, mass of dry residue/product +filter paper.

Single displacement reaction
Mass of coffee filter- .8 grams
Mass of aluminum foil- .85 grams
Mass of copper(II) sulfate- 9 grams
Net weighed mass of dry filter paper- 1.95 grams
Amount of aluminum sulfate produced- 1.15 g

Weight Table
Mass in grams
Al foil
Coffee filter
Dry residue Product

Balanced equation- 3Cu(II)So4 + 2Al > 3Cu + (So4)3Al2
Limiting reagent- Aluminum foil
Theoretical yield- 3.00 grams
Actual yield- 1.15 grams
Percent yield- .38%


The deviation of the actual yield from theoretical yield can be described by three reasons. Temperature might not have been sustained enough to enable full chemical displacement. second, residue from previous chemical reactions could have interfered with the chemical reaction. third, the reaction took place at 2000 feet above see level. this could have had effects as to the reaction of the chemical due to boiling point differences.

In conclusion, we better understand the use and application of stoichiometry through a hands on demonstration. are ability to adequately follow instructions was tested and passed. our confidence is through the roof and our ability to learn has been increased.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Reasons For Lab:The purpose of this lab is to become more familiar with the five types of chemical reactions. In this lab we performed various chemical reactions. We then recorded our observations and then identified the type of reaction and wrote a balanced equation. The purpose of this lab is to become more familiar with the five types of chemical reactions.

Warm up:
To warm up for this lab we took a series of quizzes until, on how to balance molecules.

Double Displacement Reaction
Reactions Types: Single Displacement- a metal and a compound switching metals, Na + HCl > H + NaCl; Double Displacement- Two compounds switching metals, NaCl + HF > HCl + FNa; Combustion- Rapidly combines with oxygen to form oxide and release energy, C2H6 +O2 > CO2 + H2O; Synthesis- Combination of two to form single product, Na + Cl > NaCl; and Decomposition- Break down of single compound into smaller objects, NaCl > Na + Cl.

Aprons, Goggles, Bunsen Burner, Test tubes, Zinc, CuSO4, Ba(No3)2, CuSO4, Magnesium Ribbon, HCl, H2O2, MNO2, Lighter, C3H8 (propane), Wooden stick, and an appetite for reactions!
Decomposition reaction

Safety: Well since in this lab we had hazardous chemicals and open flames. We were required to wear aprons, goggles, and of course close toed shoes. Also we had to take special precaution in mind not to sniff and or ingest the chemicals.


First, We Obtained 3 small test tubes. In the first test tube, we place a piece of Zinc and about 1/2 ml of CuSO4 solution. We recorded our observations. In the second test tube we added about 1/2 ml of Ba(NO3)2 solution to about the same amount of CuSO4 solution. we recorded our observations. In the third test tube we placed a piece of magnesium ribbon. Then we added about 1/2 ml of HCl solution. We recorded our observations. Next, we lit a bunsen burner, burning propane gas (C3H8). After cleaning out our test tubes, we added about 2 mL of H2O2 solution. We lightly heated it and recorded our observations. Then, we added a pinch of MnO2 (catalyst) to the H2O2 solution. We lightly heated it again and recorded our observations.

Results: Data Table

Balanced Equations:

Experiment 1. Zn + CuSO4 > Cu + ZnSo4

Experiment 2. Ba(NO3)2 + CuSO4 > BaSO4 + Cu(NO3)2

Experiment 3. Mg + 2HCl > H2 + Mg(Cl)2

experiment 4. 2H2O2 > 2H2O + O2

Experiment 5. 2H2O2 > 2H2O + O2

Through this lab we have become more familiar with the five types of chemical reactions. Using our prior knowledge of equations we have determined which of our experiments produced which of the five chemical reactions. We are henceforth better at chemistry, computers, following instructions, and therefore life.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Model Lab Report

In chemistry we had the rare and exciting opportunity to explore how bonds form in a hands on session. We were able to physically configure models into the shape of molecules and learn the real physical angles and configurations of objects to small to see.

Our question was: How are Molecular Bonds formed between atoms and in what way?

Preliminary Info: we had drawn many of Lewis' structures and read our book before going into this lab. We also knew how the structures of molecules formed based upon repelling groups and electron pairs.

Hypothesis: Well we hypothesized that this would be fun! :) (and educational)

Materials: 1 Model Kit for molecular bonding, including 5 carbon atoms, 15 regular bonding shafts, 5 bendy bonding shafts, 7 oxygen, 3 nitrogen, 8 hydrogen, 6 fluorine, also we had reference work sheets pertaining to the molecular geometry of molecules.

Safety: Just kidding, you just don't put them in your mouth. Do not throw objects in the chemistry room!!!!

Procedure: we first opened the plastic bag containing our materials. we were assigned to do a worksheet containing multiple chemical equations such as H2O. We constructed all the chemicals in to 3D models. After completing the task a making the structure we were to draw a 2D diagram of the structure onto the worksheet. The worksheet also asked for a Lewis structure, the actual molecular geometry, the bond angle, and weather it is polar, or if it is a resonance structure.

Results: We completed our assignment with smiles and learned about the structural geometry of molecules. The once two dimensional ideas of what molecules should be have been remodeled in our thoughts as objects as tangible as ourselves.
1. Explain how water's shape causes it to be polar?
Waters shape is bent therefore one side has a greater polarity than the other.

2. Describe how waters properties would be different if the molecules were linear instead of bent?
Water would loss its polarity therefore it would no longer be able to dissolve substances

3. Based on the results of this experiment. List the molecules from the experiment that would soluble.

Following are the physical results of our lab. Enjoy.






In conclusion: We had fun learning how to recognize, construct, and organize molecular structures.